DECREE On the Development of the draft Constitution of The State of Western Armenia

N 23, 2014-08-10

            On the 10th anniversary of the creation of the National Council of Western Armenia,

            On the 4th anniversary of the formation process of the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia,

            On the occasion of the formation of the Parliament of Western Armenia,

            On the fact of election of the President of the State of Western Armenia

            Whereas, on the fact of formation of State structures of the State of Western Armenia,

            Confirm and reconfirm that

            The State of Western Armenia (Armenia) is free, independent, sovereign, social, legal, democratic, as well as permanently armed, positive and neutral State, since relying on the following declarations, resolutions, laws and legal documents:

  1. The official statement of the National Council of Armenians of Western Armenia (adopted December 17, 2004)
  2. The official Resolution of the National Council of Western Armenia adopted on December 17, 2004 and the Declaration on the Rights of Armenians of Western Armenia adopted on January 20, 2007
  3. The Resolution on the establishment of the Government-in-Exile of Western Armenia adopted on February 4, 2011)
  4. The decision of the National Council of Western Armenia on Permanent, Armed and positive neutrality (adopted on March 29, 2011)
  5. Decree on the Flag of the State of Western Armenia (adopted on October 21, 2011)
  6. Decree on the formation of Self-Defence Forces of Armenians of Western Armenia (adopted on December 26, 2012)
  7. Declaration of Formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia (adopted on 24 May, 2013)
  8. Presidential Decree, decision, reminder on The State of Western Armenia as a successor the State of Armenia, established in 1920. Decision N12 – 2014-02-23 and accordingly,

            We offer to the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia to form the State of Western Armenia Constitution drafting committee and to draft the Constitution of the State of Western Armenia. the formation of The State of Western Armenia’s structures and content on the basis of the will, expressed by Armenians of Western Armenia and the citizens of Western Armenia related abovementioned declarations, decisions, laws and legal documents.

Armenag Aprahamian

President of the National Council of Western Armenia

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